Rituals of Beauty & Wellness

Skin Care Services - Heather Gordon Spa and Wellness, Austin, TX

Solve et coagula is a principle of alchemy meaning "dissolve and coagulate". According to this principle, a substance must be broken down before it can be built up into something new. Solve refers to this breaking down of elements and coagula refers to their coming together.

We believe that anything can be a ritual and everything is an act of alchemy. Our facial services are all crafted and curated to correspond with the principals of the breaking down and the coming together of elements; the turning of lead to gold.

“Gold” is the standard of results that we strive for when it comes to all of our skincare services. It isn’t just about working towards radiant skin and creating an external change of your person but also about aiding in, enhancing and/or helping with the creation of confidence, comfort, peace and self-awe in your skin and within your personal beauty.

We offer a wide variety of facial services; face, back, bottom, and Venus mound.

Chemical peels, we recommend during the colder seasons, for skin concerns that may need a more… “aggressive” approach. (*Skin consultations needed for all chemical peel services.)

As an alternative to chemical peels, microneedling services, or the “Hellraiser Facial, to assist and advance facial and chemical peel services or as a stand alone.

Plasma Pen for noninvasive facial lifting and skin tightening services along with services for skin tags and cherry angioma removal.

If you are uncertain about which our facial services would be best for your skin and skin goals, book consultation with any of our Skin Ritualists.