Rituals of Beauty & Wellness

Welcome to THE COCOON.

COCOON as a verb means to surround or enclose in a protective and comforting way. The Body is the house where our heart, mind, spirit and dreams reside. A tangible construct that allows us to exist in the world and to navigate our lives. Life is hard and can be quite difficult at times on the heart, the mind, spirit and the body. To feel or gain a sense of the control in the world, the body is our de-facto means to assist in that.

In nature, the cocoon is a place where mutation and transformation occurs for a body at the behest of that body like that of caterpillars to butterflies or moths or cicadas from nymphs to adults. Human beings are no different. We change as we grow from child to adult. We change at the behest of our desires or trends, health or vanity.

As we offer an array of services to support the skin, we offer an assortment of services to support the body, to enhance comfort and aid of existing in the body, and/or to assist in one’s appreciation in the appearance of the body.

We offer waxing services, intimate brightening sessions and body cavitation sessions. All brightening service and body cavitation require consultations prior to booking for new satellites (clients).